Regrets, I've had a few
But then again, too few to mention
Paul Anka
And yes, I live with .regrets every day.
I hate the words
"what if?"
Those are two words together that do nothing but instill regret, sadness or further questions about moving forward. with your life.
What if I took that job 10 years ago? I probably wouldn't be sitting here typing this, I would be working on the next fundraiser for the American Cancer Society! Or, what if I had told her how I really felt? Maybe, I would be married and in an unhappy relationship, or in the best place in the world. What if I really tried to sell my writings?
Well, the first two things never happened, and the third, though always hanging in the wings, hasn't happened yet either. My fault alone!
My entire list of "What if's" is my fault., too scared to take that leap, too scared to show emotion, too comfortable in my current surroundings to step outside of that comfort zone.
There are many things I have let myself not enjoy because those two words. Then again, there are people in my life and experiences I have encountered that would be nonexistent if I had chose that other path.
Walking down the path of life, sometimes we all eventually come to a fork in the road and we must make a decision. Then we make that choice. yet, in the back of our mind though, we wonder, what if I had gone left, instead of right?
These are queries we have to deal with and confront, if not today, in the future when that moment of life circles around for closure.
What if sucks, but you know what? I would not and will not exchange my life for what could have been. The way I look at it today is, if I chose differently, how many stories would I really have and how many friends would I lose?
I assure you I have an abundance of both. And right or wrong, I am on my right path.
I am happy with the path I have chosen, it has brought me many stories, and many people I care about. They have inspired my mantra on life! "Have fun, be safe, and make lots of memories." I don't regret my path I chose, because I would have missed out on the fun times of this life I am living!
As Paul Anka wrote for Frank Sinatra, Regrets, I've had a few I really do have too few to mention.
Until I figure something else to say, like I said, have fun, be safe, and make lots of memories
See you soon!
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