Monday, July 29, 2013

Make your own kind of music...

A fine song by Mama Cass Elliott, a great mantra to live life by!

I wrote something once..
They say dance to your own drummer.
I think My drummer plays the tambourine!
I have always been an independent thinker, never one to really follow the others to slaughter. I usually go my own way, not recruiting followers, but letting the herd make their own decision, "do I go to the blade, or do I follow my own path?"
I have never been a fan of mob rules, or group mentality. I guess that's what makes me, me! Yes, I can be influenced by the groups action, which I am involved with at that present time. Who can't,  we are only human, by the way. Needing acceptance and acknowledgment for our actions and will.
I am sorry, I have been on this rant for awhile now, and tonight is no different. My feeling is, if you can't accept me for who I am, and what I believe in, it's your loss. I bring a lot to the table for conversation and debate, but of you shut me down because you disagree, who is in the wrong? I showed up for open dialogue with an open mind, and you decided that my opening remark wasn't of your opine, you would lam bast my character. No, this is not an event that transpired tonight, but it has happened in the recent past. I generally take the high road and walk away, as tough as that may be at times.
There are many people we encounter that have to be right, they have to be the winner, whether it's a moral thing, a macho thing, or an ego thing, they have to be right.
My feeling is, I respect your opinion, may not agree with it, but respect you enough to listen. then my response is "here's mine, take it or leave it."
I, don't really care what people think of me and my opinion, I know who I am, and know what I have done and am capable of doing.
Yes, I don't want people hating me(who does?) but, I would never let it get that extreme.
The world would be a much better place if more people had the attitude of "I respect what you are saying, and hope you will listen you me with the same fervent that I gave you,.
There is no reason to adopt the attitude of the sheep going to the slaughter house,. "That's what the others are doing, I should join in." This will not end well for you, my fine woolly friend!
Make your own kind of music, sing your own kind of song!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Find out who your friends are

Let me state for the record, I love and appreciate my Family and friends, they have always been there whether I wanted them to be or not!

That said, we all need someone, that one person to pick us up when we a fallen. That person to make us laugh when we had a bad day. That one friend we can count on no matter what happens.

We all have a select few that we call family and friends to help us through the rough times. There's a running joke, a friend helps you move, a good friend helps you move bodies. I am not going that extreme, but we all need someone.

What does it take to be a friend, is the question ask myself tonight? Is it being there? Is it dropping what you are doing at a moments notice, because the phone rings and you are needed, and you were their first call? Is it just waiting in the wings hoping you don't have to go on stage, but are ready if need be!

Been there, done that, and found myself on the other side a time or two. I try not to be on the other side often, I am not one to want to rely on others for help or support.

I am from the school of emotions suck, and showing them helps no one. In a previous blog, I wrote about a meltdown, and was thankful there were people there to talk me off the ledge(not literally.) I am thankful for that, and always will be, but that was a moment of weakness that I don't dwell in often. Yes, I am human, I have feelings, I just know how to hide them.

If I am having the worst day of my life, and someone asks "How's your day?" my response is always "Fantastic" or "Great, yours?" There's nothing worse than asking someone about their day, and getting an honest answer. It's not that I don't care, it's just you don't need to be burdened with my feelings, you have enough on your plate.

I have a lot of close friends I can call, if I need to talk, or need help with something. I even have one or two I could call to move the proverbial body! Where I am going here, is from a theme I have written about a time of few.

That being said, I know of one person I can count on in life. That is me. The reason being is simple, how can I be there for someone else if I am not there for myself first? Yes, this is easy to say, since I have no children, or a wife for that matter! But If I were married, with children, I think my mindset would still be "You are number one, you have to be" because If I don't protect myself first, how can I be there to protect them?

I think I am rambling now, but next time you ask about my day, and I respond "great" it was in my mind, as far as you need to know!

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Did you see that ghost?

On any given day, you can turn on cable television and find a show about the paranormal. XFinity on demand  has 76 different shows about ghost. That doesn't include the movie section.

Each show is filled with non-sense like "Wow, that vase moved, did you see that?" and my response would be(if I were a guest host)  "Did you see that 18 wheeler just drive by?"  Or "look at the monitor, there's something moving there", and I would say "Yea, a moth" There is always a logical and or scientific reason for events like this that happen.

I don't believe in ghosts. I believe in the present, and the future, what happened yesterday is gone. As much as I would like to go back in time and change things, I would in an instant. Yes, I am being selfish with that statement, I would not go back to kill Hitler, or Lee Harvey Oswald. Those are events that would reverberate through time and the Internet may not exist because of those acts.

I remember reading a story many years ago about a group of time travelers, where one person stepped off the path and inadvertently killed a fern. When they returned to present day, the world was in turmoil. I don't remember the story, probably something by Ray Bradbury.

On that note, ghosts are real. Not like Casper(he was cute) or Jacob Marley(and his three friends,) but the ghosts we create in our minds.

It's usually a song that takes me back to a happier time, or an old movie that "we" saw together. A moment when I had someone in my life to share my day with . Or maybe,  it's a catch phrase the someone uses that was a favorite line of an old lover.

The other day I was reading some of my older writings and the memories came flooding back, mostly good, but a few, where I wish I could go back, step off the path, and alter the outcome.

I have made many mistakes in the past, some I regret, some I am thankful for. I try to learn from each one and make myself a better person, sometimes it works, and sometimes I am haunted.

I will continue to watch the paranormal shows on cable for entertainment value but yes, I do believe in ghosts, but the ones I believe in are self induced.

Bigfoot, now that's another issue all on it's own.

Have fun, be safe, and make lots of memories. I only hope those memories don't come back to haunt you.

Until next time...

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Sometimes words are more than words...

It's amazing what we say in passing, that can reverberate many years after they have faded. I had a moment like that recently

One day last week, I was sitting at my computer(not writing, which is what I should have been doing) when a chat box popped up. A friend who I hadn't talked to for awhile sent me an IM saying hello.

My first thought was to just say hey, be polite and quickly sign off. For some reason I decided to "join" the conversation. We talked for a few minutes, then this person said "It occurred to me today that you may not have a clue as to where you know me from." I knew this person from various social engagements, but that line intrigued me.

As I continued the correspondence, they told me of a few conversations we had once had when they were in a dark place in their life, and the path they were leading down was getting darker and scarier as the days went by.

To be completely honest, I recall moments of that time in my life, it was a long time ago,  but our recent conversation jogged my memory.

This person, told me that after our last conversation, so many years ago, 45 minutes after our conversation no less, they decided to make a change.

Today, this person is a few credits from getting a post-graduate degree, then going for their doctorate. I take no credit for this, I actually said as a joke "don't blame me for your path, you call my lawyer!!!" Their response was "You convinced me I could do it."

I guess where I'm going with this is, you can never know how influential your words can be until you have a moment with a friend and they actually tell you what you did.

Sometimes words are just words, sometimes words are just filler, but sometimes words are a call to action, and what you do with those words can change your life.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Issues Resolved...

Sitting here not knowing what to say or where I am going with this. Sometimes my best work starts that way, no promises this time though!

It's early July, and I can say life is good. There have been a few self induced speed bumps over the last month or so, but I quickly resolved those issues and the seas are calm again(for the time being.)

I have done more than my share of stupid acts over the last few months. On the upside of that, I have reflected what I did, chastised myself for being foolish and made amends for those thoughtless and selfish acts. And NO, I will not go into details, there are too many people out there that have more than enough information to try and blackmail me.

I guess what I am trying to say is, it's okay to make mistakes, as long as you own up to the consequences and make the situation right again. Yes, feelings got hurt, I take full responsibility for that, but I have mended those fences, and all are moving on!

I have spent the last two months adjusting to a new position at work(which I love) adjusting to a new place to live(which I also love) and spending a little bit if time in Key West, FL The latter was too brief, but I am already planning for my next adventure.

We all change daily, sometimes we don't like what we become, but we have the power to change that. A dear friend came up to me recently and apologized for talking about me behind my back. I told her it was okay, I never heard what she said, and I didn't care. Not that I was worried about the bad press, or what people thought of me,  but for the one opinion I am most concerned with, and the one opinion that I care about which is my own!

Yes that sounds very egotistical, and conceited, but it's very true. Yes I care what people say about me, but the bottom line and end of story is I know the whole truth, and they may not. And I am the only one that can change my attitude, no matter how much others may try.

I guess what I am trying to say is, I know I have faults, like we all do, and I try every day to make them less significant to all parties involved,

Life is an adventure, not a chore, that's how I live it! Mistakes will be made, but more importantly, cherished memories will be made as well.

Until next time...