Sunday, August 5, 2012

A blank slate, an open mind...

As I sit here, wondering what to say, Europa is playing in the background! I don't know why I started this, or if anyone will read it, but what the hell!

Maybe I should I should just comment about my music play list! Yes it's on shuffle, but Under Pressure by David Bowie, came up next. I have never put myself under any pressure in my writing. I always called deadlines goals I should strive for. Others have had a different definition in the past, but I eventually delivered.

For me, it's about the feelings, more so than the words. Don't get me wrong, if you are going to read something, there better be words, but those words need to carry the emotion that was felt when the letters were put together.

That is how I try to live my life away from the keyboard. I wrote something once:

I once thought showing emotion was a sign of weakness,
I now realize the lack of emotion is the weakness.

I still build walls, try to "stay stoic" but I think I'm getting better at sharing feelings, offering comforting and helpful words, and on that rare occasion, a smile. 

I guess what I'm trying to say here is, if you know me, I hope you also know you can count on me in good times and bad. It's not about me it's about we! and in closing, something else I wrote for you to think about:

A true friend won't take your last jellybean,even if offered.

Until next time, remember, be safe, have fun and make lots of memories.


  1. What if your friend doesn't have any jellybeans...but you do? Will you give me your last one?

  2. A true friend, wouldn't take it if offered, and of course I will

  3. A true friend may take it as to not offend you...
