Saturday, August 11, 2012

No, really it's about me!

As I sit here, not knowing what to say, not knowing why I committed myself to to this, I think of what a stranger., turned friend reminded me. Be who you are, don't try to be someone else.

He wasn't talking about me and my actions when he made that statement, but it hit home none the less.

It reminded me of one of my core values. You can be there for causes, you can be there for your friends, you can be there for your family, but when it is all said and done, there is only one person you can count on to get you by. And that person is you!

As a society, we want, no, we need, interaction with others. A smile, while waiting in line a Starbucks, eye contact while passing on the street, or a good morning from a stranger in our office building. These small gestures remind us we are all still fighting for the same race, the human race!

You are not better than me because you drive a BMW, or wear a gold necklace that would make the Sultan of Brunei jealous. It just means somewhere down the path of life, you made better decisions than I did.  I have no right to be jealous, or bitter about those decisions.I just need to use that moment as a learning tool to know what to do differently in the future, if I have opportunity. And if I am not presented with opportunity, if I want that same success, I have to find it for myself. Not be bitter and wallow in my sorrow that "it's not fair, he has that and I don't"

I often say as a joke "No, really it's about me!" but in reality, in my world it is.

A parent will disagree, "no, my kids are first" or a newlywed "no my husband comes first". that is all well and good, but until you decide I have to be there for me before I can be there for them, you are just running in circles!

Yes it is pejorative, that we are there for the ones we care about, but the bottom line is, if we are not there for ourselves first, there is no true way we can be there for others!

Try to live in a world or 'WE' but remember 'ME' also!

1 comment:

  1. The world of "WE" needs compassion for all. Make your world of "ME" about the world of "ALL"

    -Stay Kind
    Anonymous Me
