Didn't really know what to say, or what words to put down on paper! Still don't!
I figured if I started typing, the music would guide me and the thoughts would flow.If I ramble, it's my fault not yours. It's so much easier to just write a status update.
I haven't lost my muse, I just haven't thought about it much. Time has flown by too quickly. I'm sitting at my computer on Sunday morning, looking up the holiday of the day, wondering if anyone still cares, the next thing I know it's Wednesday afternoon, and I still I wonder.
I did run into a friend Monday and commented on a Facebook post that I had made. It made me feel good that he looks forward to my daily tidbits and ramblings. I guess it is the little things in life that mean the most. A smile from a friend, a joke from a co-worker that makes you laugh, or a song that brings back so many great memories!
I'm a little pensive about this weekend, speaking of time! It has been thirty years since high school, Saturday is the reunion. In a way, looking forward to it, in a way, dreading it. I hate talking about myself, and it will be five hours of just that! I do better with people I have never met! Go in, make a bad impression and exit gracefully! I'm guessing Saturday, this won't be the case.
So if i delete my Facebook account Sunday, and drop off the face of the earth, you'll know it didn't go well.
I will say one good thing about Facebook though, Tuesday, I saw a buddy I had not seen since High School. We talked a bit, catching up on life! I would have not recognized him if it were not fro social media.He can't make it Saturday, but we are getting together for a beer soon to catch up!
Sorry for the mindless banter, I said I didn't know where I was going with this and at least I didn't let you down on that point. Sometimes walking down an unknown path isn't a bad thing! You never know what you might find.
Then again, Maybe Saturday will give me more fodder for my next diatribe! We'll see what happens, hope I didn't disappoint this week, but when the words aren't there....
Until the weekend!
Let me know how the reunion goes! I always hate those things.....I applaud you for going!