I wrote something once..
They say dance to your own drummer.
I think My drummer plays the tambourine!
I have always been an independent thinker, never one to really follow the others to slaughter. I usually go my own way, not recruiting followers, but letting the herd make their own decision, "do I go to the blade, or do I follow my own path?"
I have never been a fan of mob rules, or group mentality. I guess that's what makes me, me! Yes, I can be influenced by the groups action, which I am involved with at that present time. Who can't, we are only human, by the way. Needing acceptance and acknowledgment for our actions and will.
I am sorry, I have been on this rant for awhile now, and tonight is no different. My feeling is, if you can't accept me for who I am, and what I believe in, it's your loss. I bring a lot to the table for conversation and debate, but of you shut me down because you disagree, who is in the wrong? I showed up for open dialogue with an open mind, and you decided that my opening remark wasn't of your opine, you would lam bast my character. No, this is not an event that transpired tonight, but it has happened in the recent past. I generally take the high road and walk away, as tough as that may be at times.
There are many people we encounter that have to be right, they have to be the winner, whether it's a moral thing, a macho thing, or an ego thing, they have to be right.
My feeling is, I respect your opinion, may not agree with it, but respect you enough to listen. then my response is "here's mine, take it or leave it."
I, don't really care what people think of me and my opinion, I know who I am, and know what I have done and am capable of doing.
Yes, I don't want people hating me(who does?) but, I would never let it get that extreme.
The world would be a much better place if more people had the attitude of "I respect what you are saying, and hope you will listen you me with the same fervent that I gave you,.
There is no reason to adopt the attitude of the sheep going to the slaughter house,. "That's what the others are doing, I should join in." This will not end well for you, my fine woolly friend!
Make your own kind of music, sing your own kind of song!