Saturday, July 27, 2013

Find out who your friends are

Let me state for the record, I love and appreciate my Family and friends, they have always been there whether I wanted them to be or not!

That said, we all need someone, that one person to pick us up when we a fallen. That person to make us laugh when we had a bad day. That one friend we can count on no matter what happens.

We all have a select few that we call family and friends to help us through the rough times. There's a running joke, a friend helps you move, a good friend helps you move bodies. I am not going that extreme, but we all need someone.

What does it take to be a friend, is the question ask myself tonight? Is it being there? Is it dropping what you are doing at a moments notice, because the phone rings and you are needed, and you were their first call? Is it just waiting in the wings hoping you don't have to go on stage, but are ready if need be!

Been there, done that, and found myself on the other side a time or two. I try not to be on the other side often, I am not one to want to rely on others for help or support.

I am from the school of emotions suck, and showing them helps no one. In a previous blog, I wrote about a meltdown, and was thankful there were people there to talk me off the ledge(not literally.) I am thankful for that, and always will be, but that was a moment of weakness that I don't dwell in often. Yes, I am human, I have feelings, I just know how to hide them.

If I am having the worst day of my life, and someone asks "How's your day?" my response is always "Fantastic" or "Great, yours?" There's nothing worse than asking someone about their day, and getting an honest answer. It's not that I don't care, it's just you don't need to be burdened with my feelings, you have enough on your plate.

I have a lot of close friends I can call, if I need to talk, or need help with something. I even have one or two I could call to move the proverbial body! Where I am going here, is from a theme I have written about a time of few.

That being said, I know of one person I can count on in life. That is me. The reason being is simple, how can I be there for someone else if I am not there for myself first? Yes, this is easy to say, since I have no children, or a wife for that matter! But If I were married, with children, I think my mindset would still be "You are number one, you have to be" because If I don't protect myself first, how can I be there to protect them?

I think I am rambling now, but next time you ask about my day, and I respond "great" it was in my mind, as far as you need to know!

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